Bonny Doon Union Elementary School District Home

Engaging the mind, the heart, and the spirit

News & Announcements

PVA First Friday Featured Photo

PVA First Friday

The PVA will be having a Valentine Treat Sale this Friday, February 7th at 2:30 in front of the multi. All proceeds go towards creating more fun events at Bonny Doon School!
Friends and Family Formal! Featured Photo

Friends and Family Formal!

The annual Friends and Family Formal will be happening on Thursday, February 13th from 6:00-7:45 p.m. in the multi. Click to make your SONG REQUESTS and RESERVE YOUR PACKAGES now!

E-Sports for grades 4-6

E-Sports is starting again for grades 4-6, from 3:00-4:00 on Mondays in room 11. Starting February 10-April 28th. Play games and compete for prizes! Click to sign up.

Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee Information & Application

BDUESD's Measure L earned significant community support, with 67.41% of Bonny Doon's voters approving the measure. The Bonny Doon Union Elementary School District Board of Trustees is establishing a Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) to review expenditures from construction activity associated with its bond measures.

After School Spanish class starting Wednesday, January 29th

In this after-school Spanish class students from K, 1st and 2nd grade will learn basic phrases and every day vocabulary in Spanish through songs, stories, and art. A mix of games, food, and cultural traditions will expose them to the language and cultural environment of Latin America. The 2025 will begin January 29th. Last session will April 2nd. Classes are Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30 pm in Room #11. 15 spots available. To register for the class please contact the office before Monday 1/27th.

En esta clase de español después de la escuela, niñas y niños de Kindergarten, 1ero y 2do grado aprenderán frases básicas y vocabulario en español a través de canciones, cuentos y arte. Una mezcla de juegos, comida y tradiciones culturales los expondrá no sólo al idioma sino también al ambiente cultural de Latinoamérica. La sesión de este año empieza el 29 de enero y termina el 2 de abril. La clase se reúne los miércoles de 12.30-1.30 pm en el salón #11. 15 cupos disponibles. Para registrarse por favor contactar a la oficina antes del lunes 27 de enero.

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